LED technology
Why LED?
– save on electricity consumption.
– long service life with greater luminosity. Savings in cost due to less unnecessary frequent changes of light bulbs.
– cooler functioning and less heat.
– environment-friendly. Does not contain toxic substances such as mercury amd all components can be recycled. When operating it does not emit toxic gases such as phenol, styrene and tetrahydrofuran, which are hazardous to health.
– attractive design to complete the lighting in your home or workplace..
Led save energy and money
LED lights provides energy savings of more than 80 percent in comparison with a standard or halogen bulbs. Due to rising energy prices it is a perfect way for extra savings.
LED lights have more than 50 times longer life span than standard bulbs
Ledica has expected durability of more than 50,000 hours (20 years at a projected 6 hours daily use). To the life span we can add energy efficiency. Ledica is also environmental friendly – because of higher luminance consumes less energy than standard bulbs. Its efficiency is more than 70 lumen/wat.
Cooler functioning – more light and less heat
The standard bulb turns only 10 percent of the energy into light, the other 90 percent is lost as heat! LED lights emit very little heat. Ledica lights do not emit UV rays and do not blink and are therefore friendlier for the eyes and skin. Led lights reach full brightness immediately at startup.
Attractive design – this are the lights for you
Ledica lights are compact, well-designed and therefore a perfect complement to your home. Is it not great when something is so elegant and at the same time practical and environmentally friendly?
Whether will you equip with our lights your home or work environment, we definitely hope that we presented why we are so excited about Ledica lights, which certainly represent a lighting for the future.
Led technology and How They Work
LEDs differ from traditional light sources in the way they produce light. In an incandescent lamp, a tungsten filament is heated by electric current until it glows or emits light. In a fluorescent lamp, an electric arc excites mercury atoms, which emit ultraviolet (UV) radiation. After striking the phosphor coating on the inside of glass tubes, the UV radiation is converted and emitted as visible light. An LED, in contrast, is a semiconductor diode. It consists of a chip of semiconducting material treated to create a structure called a p-n (positive-negative) junction.
Comparison of lamps:
The classic light bulb 75W vs LED bulb 9W Optima
How to made led lamp with led light Ledica Korn 8W. Home made led.